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(845) 652-3170
What We Do
We provide foundational and advanced estate planning strategy and execution for New York families of all kinds.
What We Do
We provide foundational and advanced estate planning strategy and execution for New York families of all kinds.
Call Us For Your Consultation Today (845) 920-8909

Kathleen Feerick Legal is unlike other estate planning practices.
Kathleen Feerick Legal is unlike other estate planning practices.
Estate Planning and Elder Law at Kathleen Feerick Legal is about so much more than legal documents. We focus on establishing a long lasting, evolving relationship that begins when you are relatively young and healthy and develops and deepens as you age. We are prepared to serve you to make sure that you feel confident that your wishes will be followed, and your instructions and your values are listened to if you become incapacitated or pass away. We pride ourselves on listening to your concerns and working together to find solutions that you are comfortable with and accepting of. We continue to update and protect your assets and wishes as family, laws and your ideals continue to evolve to ensure that the plans you create are implemented.
Kathleen provides a high level of one-on-one contact in a manner that makes the client feel like they have known her their whole lives and fosters a sense of unity between client and attorney. She takes the time to understand each client’s goals, value, and uniqueness.
The Firm will represent clients from diverse backgrounds including clients with moderate estates as well as clients with substantial wealth.
Our goal in engaging a client is not simply to produce documents, but to take clients on a journey of discovering their beliefs, attitudes, and educating on proper planning. Planning provides more personal power and control over their lives and families and businesses.

Our goal at Kathleen Feerick Legal is to give you peace of mind. We help families plan for life, deal with death, preserve wealth, and provide asset protection. Our clients engage us when planning for the two most important aspects of their lives: Everything they own and everyone they love.
Service Areas
Asset Protection Trusts
Asset Protection Trusts
There are strict rules on how to protect your assets during your life or after death and the asset protection techniques that we utilize depend on our unique circumstances.Elder Law
Elder Law
We can assist with long term planning for you or your loved ones. We offer advice on asset preservation, inheritance planning, navigating benefits, and receiving all that you or your family member are entitled to.
Estate Planning
Estate Planning
We create a strategy and develop a unique plan that protects you and your assets. Pre-planning will minimize stress and will avoid conflict and crisis situations for you and your loved one.
Sometimes disputes can break families apart, having an objective professional in the room can lower the temperature and find common ground.Mediators work can avoid costly legal battles and keep the family united, especially in times of crisis.
Medicaid Application & Planning
Medicaid Application & Planning
The laws around Medicaid qualifications are complicated, with many exceptions and hospitals and nursing homes often do not have the legal knowledge necessary to evaluate the qualification process for your unique situation.
Powers of Attorney & Healthcare Proxy
Powers of Attorney & Healthcare Proxy
Having a Power of Attorney is essential as without it, your family may be required to file a legal proceeding seeking guardianship.
We assist you with selecting fiduciaries to manage your finances and make health care decisions for you should you become incapacitiated.
When a person dies leaving a Will, the legal process that takes place is called probate. It can be costly and time consuming to navigate. The probate process clarifies issues in a will and resolves any challenges to the distribution of funds of an estate.Special Needs Trust
Special Needs Trust
If assets are left to a disabled beneficiary, it could disqualify them from the state of federal programs they are receiving.
Will, Revocable and Irrevocable Trust
Will, Revocable and Irrevocable Trust
Who will get the assets you own after you die and who will ensure it gets done? Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of Revocable Living Trusts and Irrevocable Living Trusts.
Our Clients
Kathleen Feerick Legal’s clients are individuals, families and businesses in the Hudson Valley Region and NYC. The Firm provides comprehensive estate planning in preserving, administering, transferring, and protecting your wealth. We provide asset protection, as well as helping our clients reduce their taxes in the overall estate planning.
Some of the planning techniques include →
Kathleen Feerick Legal’s clients are individuals, families and businesses in the Hudson Valley Region and NYC. The Firm provides comprehensive estate planning in preserving, administering, transferring, and protecting your wealth. We provide asset protection, as well as helping our clients reduce their taxes in the overall estate planning. Some of the planning techniques include:
Family dynamics and financial circumstances are not static. The Firm takes the view that estate planning is an ongoing process, rather than an isolated event. In order to serve the lifetime and estate planning needs of our clients, throughout life’s many stages, the firm maintains regular contact with our clients through informational and educational workshops.
Stages of Life
Younger clients, in the wealth accumulation phase of life, are often concerned about providing sufficiently for their minor and special needs children through the creation of a Will appointing suitable guardians, executors, and trusts that defer distribution of property until each child attains an appropriate age.
As clients move through life, they may recognize that their children have greatly different financial needs and want to provide for their children in a manner that best meets those needs. Some clients may have elderly parents and will have serious concerns about how their parents’ long-term care will be financed, in the event of an illness, injury, or incapacity.
Senior clients are generally concerned about taking the necessary financial steps during life to maintain their standard of living during the retirement phase of their lives, and transferring assets to their children, and other beneficiaries, with minimal transfer tax consequences.
Business Owners
Business owner clients are often concerned that an illness, injury, incapacity or premature death will have a severely negative impact on their businesses, as well as their families. Only after the Firm secures all necessary financial information about the asset size and structure of its clients’ portfolio, and personally reviews the lifetime and testamentary concerns and goals for the disposition of their property, can the Firm develop and implement a plan uniquely designed to achieve its clients’ estate planning, business succession, and retirement distribution objectives.

Risk Assessment
Kathleen Feerick Legal creates and implement life and estate plans designed to protect our clients’ assets from the most important potential drain on their finances, including transfer taxes, costs of long term care, or the threat of litigation. This will be done with prudent and appropriate planning strategies, based upon the facts and circumstances of each particular situation. In many cases, the Firm will likely use a combination of asset transfer planning techniques and protective strategies to meet its clients’ individual financial needs.